Do you have a community concern and/or need to easily find a link?
If so, know that NECO is here to support, assist and serve as a resource to member organizations and residents in the catchment area. One of the ways that we do so is by hosting Quarterly President Roundtables (exclusively to member organizations). During our roundtables, we exchange vital resources and provide information to promote unity and a strong partnership.
In addition, we have included some helpful tools and links below for all residents in the NECO catchment area. Some general links include: Reporting a Service Request using 311, Finding Your Elected Officials, Signing up for Citizens On Patrol (C.O.P.) and so much more!
We believe community engagement is key! Let us help you amplify your voice. #TogetherWeCan
311 connects Baltimore citizens, businesses & visitors with a vast array of city services, programs and information. Either by a live agent-assisted phone call or through the self-service web or mobile portal, 311 allows customers to report a problem, request a service, check the status of a previously submitted service request, and obtain information regarding City programs or events.
The Department of Planning is the City agency entrusted with guiding the physical development of the City of Baltimore.
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation’s mission is to maintain and improve the transportation infrastructure to produce a safe, reliable, accessible, and efficient system for everyone that provides for multiple and sustainable modes of transportation for residents, businesses, and visitors — thereby promoting livable and vibrant communities across Baltimore City.
Make an online payment (water bill, property taxes, vehicle citations, etc.)
The Baltimore City Department and Housing and Community Development (DHCD) work to improve the quality of life for all Baltimore City residents by revitalizing and redeveloping communities and promoting access to quality affordable housing opportunities in safe, livable neighborhoods.
The Baltimore City Community Action Partnership (BCCAP) operates five community-based CAP centers that administer the city’s energy, water and rental assistance programs and collaborate across the community to connect families to the resources they need to move toward financial stability.
The Baltimore City Office of Inspector General successfully completed the first professional peer review in the history of the Office. The Peer Review team advised the OIG met the Green Book Standards for IG offices with no limitations or qualifications.
MOED's mission is to deliver economic justice to Baltimore residents. To MOED, economic justice means creating an equitable workforce system that responds to all residents’ needs and provides viable economic opportunities to all residents, especially those who have been generationally and systemically disadvantaged.